Get Started

Get Source Code

Clone Main Repository

KitX Project use Git to manage version, you can get source code by following command:

git clone
cd KitX

If you haven't set SSH key, you can use HTTPS to get source code:

git clone
cd KitX

Init Submodules

And you can add --recurse-submodules to the command above to get submodules at the same time.

KitX Project use submodules to split the repository, you need to execute following command to init submodules:

git submodule init

Then use KitX init tool to select which submodules you want to get:

./ToolKits/ <type>
./ToolKits/start.ps1 <type>

You can select value of <type> to get different submodules:

dashboard | mobile | loader | plugin | installer | reference

If you want to develop KitX Dashboard PC Client, please start dashboard and reference

If you want to develop KitX Mobile Client, please start mobile

If you want to develop KitX Loader, please start loader

If you want to develop KitX Plugins, please start loader and plugin

If you want to develop KitX Installer, please start installer

And you can always run list to list available types

Build Project

Preparations before build

  1. You need to install dotnet 6 SDK, please go to dotnet official websiteOpen in new window to download and install The sign of successful installation is: successfully run command dotnet --list-sdks and list dotnet 6 SDK version
  2. You need to install dotnet 6 SDK, please go to dotnet official websiteOpen in new window to download and install The way to check if installation is successful is the same as above, part of projects use dotnet 7 while others use dotnet 6


You only need to cd to the project directory (contains .csproj file) you want to compile, and then run the following command:

dotnet build

If you run the command dotnet run, the project will be compiled and run automatically

Compile for publish

You may notice that there are many files with .pubxml suffix in KitX Dashboard/Properties/PublishProfiles/

These are the publish profiles, you can use the following command:

cd "KitX Dashboard"
dotnet publish /p:Profile=Properties/PublishProfiles/<xxx>.pubxml

to publish with these profiles, where <xxx> is the name of the profile file

The binary file will be generated in KitX Publish/

And you can execute the following command to publish all profiles at once:

cd "ToolKits/KitX.ToolKits.Publisher"
dotnet run

Other Build Methods

You can also use some IDE to build the project For example:

  • Visual Studio (Recommended version: 2019 or above, currently recommended version: 2022)
  • Jetbrains Rider

In Visual Studio, you can right-click the project in the solution explorer, and select Publish, then select the publish profile to publish You can also use similar operations in Rider to publish

Or, you can also configure your editor to simplify the build process For example:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Vim

Here is the omitted steps to configure the editor, please search for related tutorials yourself