Package Plugin
Prepair Environment Manually
- Prepair Package Tool (First you need to have the .NET 6 SDK to execute the following command)
dotnet tool install --global KitX.KXP.Tool
- Prepair Template Generator Tool (You also need to have the .NET 6 SDK)
dotnet tool install --global KitX.Struct.Producer
Start Packaging
mkdir plugin # Put all the files of your plugin in a folder, for example: `./plugin`
ksmaker -o ./plugin/ # Run the template generation tool, this command will generate `PluginStruct.json` and `LoaderStruct.json` files in `./plugin/`
vim ./plugin/PluginStruct.json # Edit generated plugin struct file, you can change `vim` command to other text editor
vim ./plugin/LoaderStruct.json # Edit generated loader struct file, you can change `vim` command to other text editor
kxpmaker -s ./plugin/ # Pack plugin, output to `plugin.kxp` file in current directory as default
More commands usage about ksmaker
and kxpmaker
please try kxmaker --help
or kxpmaker --help
Use KitX SDK
Publish Plugin
//TODO: KitX plugin market